Sickle SCAN®️ is a multiplexed, qualitative, point-of-care immunoassay to aid genotype testing and the rapid diagnosis of sickle cell disorders. The test consists of three indicators that detect the presence of haemoglobins A, S, and C. Sickle SCAN®️ has a combined sensitivity and specificity of >99% and provides results in 5 minutes, making it one of the world’s fastest and most accurate tests. The Sickle Scan kit is first validated and approved Rapid Diagnostic Test for genotype screening by the Federal Ministry of Health, reaffirming its efficacy and accuracy.
- Fast: 5 minutes testing time ensuring timely interventions.
- Easy to use: No sample preparation is required
- Accurate: exceptional predictive value exceeding 99%, detects HbAA, HbAS, HbAC, HbSS, HbSC
- Low Environmental Risk
- >99% predictive value
- Great tool for genotype newborn Screening
- Reliable: validated and approved by the Federal Ministry of Health, EKSUTH and Babcock University Teaching Hospital.