Sammy Ogunjimi - Group MD CEO

CEO's Message

From being a mere dream, to its humble beginnings in a small office in Ijora Lagos in 2005 with just one employee, and only one product (Glucodix tabs), Codix Pharma has risen to be at the forefront of Cardiometabolic care in Nigeria through the supply of therapeutics and point of care devices for diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases and also the supply of Rapid Diagnostic Test kits to hospitals and millions of patients who might otherwise go unnoticed. 

In the last decade, Codix has experienced tremendous growth, as demonstrated by a growing market share and product portfolio. This has been made possible because of its focus on its core values as represented by the acronym, T.I.P.E which refers to Teamwork, Innovation, Professionalism, and Entrepreneurship embodied by all Stakeholders of the Company. 

Codix’s rapid growth as a company emanates from its continuous contribution to the healthcare industry in Nigeria through various means including involvement in the development of guidelines, strategy formations, and capacity building in its areas of interest. A noteworthy achievement for the company was its facilitation of the development of Lagos State guidelines for diabetes management which was rolled out to both State and private hospitals in 2012.

As a mission-driven company, Codix Pharma has contributed to health service development through various partnerships with different State governments in Nigeria, including but not limited to providing training and support in running metabolic care clinics and carrying out Corporate Social responsibility projects in collaboration with various charity groups, such as Family Care international, Livewell initiative and other non-governmental organizations in Nigeria.

Codix’s story today cannot be told without the dedication of its people – by this I refer not only to its shareholders, Board of Directors, and Management Team, but to all its highly dedicated members of staff – the contribution of its stakeholders and well-wishers throughout the years.

It is with a sense of humility that I can inform you today that the story that started with a humble beginning with the incorporation of the company in Nigeria in 2002 and full operation in 2008, has grown and expanded to other countries in West Africa, and we expect our presence in Sub-Saharan Africa to increase to nearly 20 countries by the year 2030. 

On 16th December 2021, we commissioned our Head office complex at 207, Ikorodu Road, Ilupeju. The building is deployed to support the healthcare industry in Nigeria and set in motion an era of accelerated growth in the Codix Group’s journey. The company is on course to achieve its mission to be the leading African Health tech company by 2030.